
Lossofimprinting(i.e.,thelossofnormalallele-specificgeneexpression)canalsoresultincancerwhenanimprinted,normallysilentallelethatprovides ...,Incomplextissues,speciouslossofimprinting(LOI)mightariseifonlyafractionofcelltypesexpressthegenefromoneallelewhileother ...,Lossofimprintingoccurswithinthestemcellpopulationoforgans.AlthoughitiswelldocumentedthatLOIoccursinalargevarietyofhuman ...,Lossofi...

Genomic Imprinting and Patterns of Disease Inheritance

Loss of imprinting (i.e., the loss of normal allele-specific gene expression) can also result in cancer when an imprinted, normally silent allele that provides ...

Loss of Imprinting in Human Placentas Is Widespread, Coordinated ...

In complex tissues, specious loss of imprinting (LOI) might arise if only a fraction of cell types express the gene from one allele while other ...

Loss of imprinting and cancer - Jelinic - 2007

Loss of imprinting occurs within the stem cell population of organs. Although it is well documented that LOI occurs in a large variety of human ...

Loss of imprinting in normal tissue of colorectal cancer patients with ...

Loss of imprinting (LOI) is an epigenetic alteration of some cancers involving loss of parental origin-specific expression of imprinted genes.

Loss of imprinting and cancer

Mis-regulation of imprinted gene expression (loss of imprinting [LOI]) is seen frequently and precociously in a large variety of human tumours, making LOI a ...

The role of imprinting genes' loss of imprints in cancers and their ...

When the original imprint status of these genes is lost, known as loss of imprinting (LOI), it may affect growth, neurocognitive development, metabolism, and ...

Global loss of imprinting leads to widespread tumorigenesis in adult ...

Loss of imprinting (LOI), commonly observed in human tumors, refers to loss of monoallelic gene regulation normally conferred by parent-of-origin-specific DNA ...